200-Hour Las Vegas Yoga Teacher Training

Deciding who you earn your teaching training—and spend a sh*t-ton of your time—with is a crucial choice. You don't want to feel like you're being churned out of a mill—or, worse, thrown to the moon-howling wolves without the confidence you need to own the classroom.

You want a place that empowers you with ancient yoga wisdom and modern anatomical expertise—plus the practical stuff you need to, well, actually become a yoga teacher.

YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ONE that sets your soul on fire...AND SETS YOU UP FOR SUCCESS

You're not just looking for any yoga teacher training...

Walk into the classroom ready to rock that sh*t (with an epic playlist to-boot).

Feel prepared to craft and lead smart yoga classes, host workshops, and book retreats.

Strengthen your skills and confidence—and hone your personal yoga teaching style.

Dive deep into well crafted curriculum—presented in an approachable, accessible way.

Join a small group of rad people—where classes are personal, intimate, and empowering.

You're right where you belong.


I'm a ten-year-yoga student who's mastered the art of teaching (and the occasional face-plant). I'm psyched you're here and considering getting your yoga teacher certification in Vegas with me. Know that if you do, you're in for a journey defined by one-on-one care, deeply practical expertise...and the occasional bad yoga pun. 

I'm super pumped to go on this journey with you—and see all the cool stuff you do from there.

And I'm fully prepared to become your new best friend. 

Hey there—I'm Kelsey...

All good yoga starts with the same thing: a strong understanding of the human body. From sensical sequencing to safe adjustments and more—knowing your anatomy is the ultimate foundation of being a confident, competent yoga teacher (and one they'll keep coming back to).

We dive deep into all-things muscles, bones, and movement—to ensure you gain the foundation you need to thrive as a yoga teacher.

Anatomy: All-out body deep-dive

Ancient stories, sacred roots—and the people and places behind them—we give you the full picture of the intricacies that make yoga, well, yoga. We're not talking memorizing names and dates—we're talking deep conversations about life, death, and everything in between. It's what yoga actually is—and it's a part of our curriculum we have a feeling you'll dig.

Philosophy: The fun stuff

Consider this "How to be a Yoga Teacher 101." We're serving up all of the crazy important building-blocks you need to walk into the classroom ready to kill it—including safe and effective cueing, smart sequencing, and empowered public speaking.

Teaching Methodology: Honing your style

We break down alignment, adjustments, modifications, and everything in between for you to feel incredibly confident in over 55 yoga poses—as both a teacher and lifelong student. We want you to walk away with a deeply informed approach to everything from the fan favorites to advanced-level asanas.

Posture Deep-Dives: Understand each asana

Take a peek at what you'll learn.

Coffee? Dave show? Need inspiration for a sequence? I'm always here and psyched to provide support.


Walk away with all of the sequences. No really—so many sequences. Keep these in your back-pocket when you need inspiration.


We love the alignment marks—you'll love the quality. Seriously the best yoga mat ever—we'll die on that hill.


A treasure trove of knowledge to accompany your TT journey—you just might start sleeping with this thing on your pillow.


Plus, the best bonuses

True support—rooted in care that doesn't see you as a client, but a friend and fellow dream-chaser

A come-as-you-are, open-minded environment that's warm, friendly, and actually welcoming

A real-talk approach to the business of being a yoga teacher. No sugar-coating—we talk numbers.

A nuanced understanding of anatomy that only comes from a decade-plus of experience

Small class sizes for intimate sessions and super engaging chats

Here's what you won't get at the other places

Roll out your mat with us

Stephanie S.

Through the mindful guidance of your instructors Nicki and Kelsey you will explore parts of yourself, internally and externally, that you did not know existed. You will accomplish things you never thought you could, and you will see things with eyes that have opened more fully. Nicki and Kelsey will make your new discoveries of yoga fun and interesting and they'll provide a safe space to do this. I can't think of two more beautiful souls I would trust with the care of MY soul. Above all, you will have a yoga family and support system for life from both your instructors and your fellow students.

"I can't even begin to explain how this program changed my life, and the best part is, it is absolutely going to change your life too."

Kristina C. 

Earlier this year I was looking for a yoga school to take teacher training from. Hearing really good things about Mojave Yoga Collective, my mind was made up. I could not be happier that I went with this school. Kelsey, Nicki and all the other teachers that helped along the way, made the experience go from nervousness of the unknown, to the best thing I could have done for myself. Trust me when I say you won’t want training to end. This is a great school, you meet such wonderful humans and you take away so much more than just a certificate. It truly is a magical experience.

"They are highly educated and have created a program that will leave you with all the knowledge you will need to become a strong yoga teacher. "

Paris S.

Kelsey and all the guest teachers are humble, passionate, incredibly knowledgeable, and kind. They are supportive teachers, who are experts in knowledge and asana practice, their love of yoga was always present, their passion for this art is abundant. I am so glad that I was taught by such incredible teachers, I truly have so much admiration for them all. The anatomy was difficult but Kelsey made it so much fun and light, jokes and terms to remember anatomy actually made me very interested and awed by the body and the depth of Kelsey's knowledge. 

"This YTT was truly amazing, uplifting, and inspiring. It was an experience of a lifetime, and I am eternally grateful that I took this opportunity"

September 3 - November 23

Tu/Wed/Th 6 - 9pm - online
Saturdays 10am - 6pm - in person
@Yoga Sanctuary on w sahara

Mark your calendar: dates & deets

Ready to Join our next Las Vegas Teacher Training?

curious? we thought so.

Enough with the standard forms! Let's kick off this journey with a conversation that’s all about YOU and your yoga path. We're not here for robotic applications; we're here for genuine connections.

Click below to book a digital rendezvous with yours truly. We'll delve into your yoga journey, your aspirations for teacher training, and everything in between. Think of it as a virtual tea session—no pressure, just a chat to get the ball rolling.

let's talk yoga everything

get started for 4 payments of $875

get started for 1 payment of $3300

If you're good and ready to secure your spot or have chatted with us already—skip the step above and choose one of our payment options below. 


Ready to jump right to it? 

Well, it's simple. Our training isn't just a budget-friendly e-book or a cookie-cutter online course. At Mojave Yoga Collective, we offer an immersive, hybrid experience that's worth every penny. You'll bask in the wisdom of expert instructors, forge real connections with fellow trainees, and leave with skills that'll outshine any cut-rate alternative. So, while you might find a cheap deal elsewhere, we promise you won't get the same life-changing magic that comes with our training. 

Why does YOUR YOGA TEACHER training cost more than other online versions?

Size matters, my friend! 😉 At Mojave Yoga Collective, we keep it cozy and intimate. Our small groups mean you get the spotlight, not lost in a sea of yogis. You'll build genuine relationships, not just fleeting hellos. We'll cover all your questions, no seriously–every last one. Oh, and need something repeated, no sweat, we've got time for that. 

Why choose a smaller training over a well-known, big-name location?

Great question. We've got a lot to cover! Our 200-hour Las Vegas yoga teacher training program dives deep into the art of teaching, yoga philosophy, and everything you need to become a well-rounded instructor. Sure, other programs might be quicker, but they're like fast food for the soul—satisfying in the moment, but leaving you hungry for more substance later. Take your time with us; it's worth the investment. 

Why is your training 200 hours, and why are other programs shorter?

Trust us, we've got a plan. Our curriculum is like a perfectly crafted sequence—each pose building on the last, leading you to your peak experience. Sure, we could wing it, but that's not our style. Our curriculum is carefully designed with Yoga Alliance standards in mind to ensure you learn what really matters to become a certified yoga genius. We've done the groundwork; all you have to do is show up and flow! 

Why do you have a specific curriculum? Why not just teach whatever feels good?

Don't mistake our lack of brick-and-mortar for a lack of substance. Oh no! We're all about what really matters—creating dope teachers who know their stuff and get hired so fast even I'm surprised. By focusing on training the best, we're giving you the tools to shine wherever you go, whether it's at a local studio, on a beach retreat, or even leading classes under the starry desert skies.

Why don't you have your own studio—why do you operate out of other locations?

Oh, we hear you loud and clear! It's okay to be uncertain, but here's the inside scoop: our training isn't just about turning you into a yoga teacher (although we're pretty darn good at that!). It's about transforming you into a doper version of yourself, whether you end up leading classes or not. Think of it as life training with a yoga twist. Our program is a soul-searching, heart-opening, mind-expanding journey that will unlock your true potential and set your inner badass free.

Maybe I want to be a yoga teacher, maybe I don't. Does it matter?



200 YTT

300 YTT



Mojave Yoga Collective

A Las Vegas yoga teacher training for the curious, willing + adventurous. We're serious about yoga—not so serious about ourselves.